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Check out the update coming on November 8!

Press release

During the week on our social media, you've been watching the consecutive unveiling of new products on the platform, which are part of a big update. This update marks an important milestone and provides a solid base for further development of the Tecra ecosystem. If you haven't been following the updates on our social media, this article is for you!

*All of the updates will come into the light on on the 8th of November.

One-click Masternode

This is the function many users have been waiting for. Struggling with the coding, reversing the Youtube instruction videos and sending the mails on - you can forget about it, it’s all in the past. From the 8th of November, the launching of the masternode is just a click away.  User-friendly redesigned layout will serve you well in this endeavor (more on that later). 

What do you need to create a masternode?

After you make the investment decision and create a masternode, your funds will be locked as the pledge sum for the service. And you will start earning TCR in a passive way, as the masternode holders are rewarded for staking. Not only the ability for users to payout the rewards at any time they want, but also the closing of the service without compromising your funds - this is something that makes this investment product even more incentive. In case you want to terminate your masternode urgently? You will be able to do it in a few clicks and your funds will be unlocked in your wallet. As a result, you've earned some extra TCR, while not risking the possible loss of your entire investment.

One must keep in mind, that the amount of profit from a masternode depends on the total number of masternodes created in the network. In other words, the fewer active masternodes in the 2.0 network, the more percentage from the reward pool holders receive and vice verca. In this way, starting from November 8, after the migration of your coins, you will have the opportunity to be one of the first to launch this investment feature on the platform. The old adverb comes in handy here: The early bird gets the worm.

TecraCoin Smart Deposit relaunch

On November 8, you can explore another investment product from Tecra - TCR Smart Deposits with a relaunch on the new blockchain and high-interest rates. Why is Smart Deposit so appealing? If you don't possess large funds, but you are still interested in long-term investments, then this option is for you. In a Smart Deposit, you can put any amount of TCR, set the validity period of the deposit and after the end of the term, the relevant interest will be accumulated to your initial funds in the form of additional TCR. 

Also, the interest rate, at which you have created a deposit, will not change throughout its time duration. And this means that in our simulator you will already see how much you will earn after a certain period of time. However, there are two things to keep in mind. Firstly, in case you want to withdraw from the Smart Deposit service, then you won't receive the anticipated revenue (your initial deposit will be fully unlocked but you will not receive any rewards). And secondly, the more people create SmartDeposit, the lower the interest rate becomes. 

Investment Wallets

There will be wallets on our blockchain for each token of startups that has run or is currently running a fundraising campaign on Tecra Space. This means that you will get the ability to check the balance of project tokens and in the future, you will be able to send tokens to Tecra-authorized exchanges. This is definitely a great milestone towards monetizing the TecraCoins invested in projects.

New Dashboard Features

We never stop improving our platform, and this time our developers have prepared a lot of interesting novelties that will make your platform experience more informative and productive. Let's go through all of them. 

Transaction statuses. From November 8, you will be able to fully monitor your activity on the platform, as well as the ongoing progress of your investment products. You will be able to see the status of all activities concerning your account such as buying TecraCoin or transferring funds to another wallet. During TCR migration you will see the status of your application to migrate the funds to Tecra 2.0.

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Wallets in one place. Now in the "Wallet" tab, you can see all your wallets and the funds in them. The percentage rate change of a particular coin on the exchanges will be shown. In addition, you will be able to see the total balance of all your funds on the platform.

Notifying system. Any news or vital information from the Tecra team will be displayed directly on the platform in a special spot so you won't miss any updates. Also, don't forget to follow our social media to be the first to receive important notifications about crowdinvesting on Tecra.

User-friendliness in new layout. Overall, we have refreshed the look of the platform, changing its layout to make it clear and convenient for every user. In the "investments" tab you will find investment three products: one-click masternodes, TecraCoin Smart Deposit and tokens of projects that are currently has an active fundraising campaign. Directly from this tab, you will be able to set up the Tecra product that suits your expectations and purchase the startup tokens that you like best.

Migration to Tecra 2.0

Migration to the new blockchain is the main part of the update. To improve the activities of the crowdinvesting platform, it was decided to move TecraCoin to a new contract. Each TCR holder will have to go through the migration process on, thus transferring their TCR to the new blockchain. From November 8, TecraCoin on the new blockchain will be compatible with the MetaMask wallet. Tecra 2.0 will not have its own external wallet as before. You can find the only authorized Tecra wallet on the Tecra Space platform - the epicenter of the entire Tecra ecosystem. The migration process itself will be quite simple and intuitive. The migration of TCR to TCR 2 will occur in a ratio of 1:1. TCR holders will have to migrate their coins before the end of the year. After that, the old blockchain will no longer be supported, and mobile and desktop wallets will be eliminated - hence the unmigrated funds will be lost. 

On Monday, November 8th, we will send detailed instructions on how to successfully migrate your coins. At this time, we remind you to transfer TCR from Hotbit to before November 8, since the exchange will shift to the new Tecra blockchain. The Tecra team is not responsible for lost funds.

The sooner you start the migration, the sooner you can use TecraCoin 2.0, for example, to support startups via TCR, set up a masternode or start trading coins on the Hotbit exchange.

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